I am starting this blog to document the progress on my R/C lawn mower.
At this point, I have started collecting parts; from eBay and other sources. I started the project after finding a deal on two power wheelchair motors. The ones I found are from Invacare.
They didn't come with wheel/tires, so I found a set of 5/8" shaft wheels. I am not sure if these will end up on the final product, but these were cheap.
At this point, I started looking into the electronics. I noticed that a lot of the projects I found online used a Sabertooth 2x25 motor controller. My motors only draw 3.3a, so I decided on the 2x12 R/C version. It is a simplified motor controller that connects straight to an R/C receiver.
Since this will be a zero turn style robot/mower, I wanted a tank style radio with two joysticks that return to center. Most of the ones I found had a lot of features and channels that I simply didn't need. After a little research, I found a budget friendly radio system that uses 2.4ghz. It is made by GWS; and since it is made for robotics, it has dual joysticks that auto center. And I like that it has the feel of a game controller.
I wanted a way to keep my electronics out of the elements, but also provide cooling for the motor controller. It has a metal bottom and is designed to be mounted to a heatsink. So I came up with this; I took a Pelican case I already had, cut a hole in the top, and mounted an old AMD CPU cooler to it. The motor controller will mount to the bottom side of it, and it should keep it nice and cool. All of my power connections, motor controller, and receiver will be inside this waterproof box.